Hiša od Bardinca


Lopar Museum - introduction

Hiša od Bardinca (House of Bardinac family)

The Hiša od Bardinca house has been built two hundred years ago, and now it remains one of the still existing typical Istrian houses in the village, which also contains other ancestral buildings. The locals still remember the last owners of this building, namely owner Stanko and his housewife Pepe, who had 11 children scattered all over the world during the economical crisis of 1929.

The house-museum is divided into several areas: an Istrian "black kitchen", a wine cellar, an ethnographic collection and a courtyard decorated with a magnifying glass under which a threshing floor from 1803 is hidden.

Why "Hiša od Bardinca" is a muzeum? That is because of its recognizability on the Coast and because of the historical facts from the time of the Austro-Hungarians, when Maria Theresa arranged the real-estate cadastre and Francis II has registered the region population.

Various folk-cultural events are held for both children and the elderly in the "Hiša od Bardinca" muzeum and in its courtyard; this makes the museum popular place to visit. The house has a corner "tourist information point of Slovenian Istria", where you can get various booklets from all over the Coast, there is also a tourist kiosk computer.

The "Hiša od Bardinca" is owned by the Municipality of Koper, placed under the management of the Local Community of Marezigeˇ. The Museum is managed by Dorina Dobrinja.

For visiting, it is possible to book an appointment via telephone call 05 655-0425 or mobile: 041 833 768, or by e-mail: dorina.dobrinja@siol.net or dorina.dobrinja@gmail.com.

Village mascot Donkey

The story says: the donkey helped our "Istrians" in their daily activities in the field and in transporting crops from the village to the city. The donkey worked hard and did not have time to get fat, so he was always thin. Once these thin, hard-working animals were observed by the mayor of Koper, who did not like it. So he decided to find one fat donkey and cross it with our thin ones. The initiative was passed on to the city council members, and after a long search, they found a suitable donkey in Pavia on the Italian side, bought it and brought it by boat to the Slovenian side. But, unfortunately, on the way, he lost weight due to the fact that he got bad food on the way. On the shore, people with an orchestra were solemnly waiting for the ship, but when they unloaded the donkey, the people got angry and disappointed, because he was thin, and began to beat him. The donkey ran through the streets to the hills, from where sometimes we still hear his cries. The donkey is thus a symbol of our place, the legacy of our ancestors, who had to work hard to survive.


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